ING. L. & A. Boschi Italy is one the leading industrial gas plant manufacturers in the world since 1930s and is one amongst the trusted brands in the air separation in the air separation industry. We use the LINDE DESIGN which is now used all over the globe. The Italian company has one of the largest manufacturing facilities and offers an entire range of products under one roof. We also offer a versatile support program with a wide range of after sales services. With our years of experience, we can assist you to operate your plant more effectively. Through our excellent supply chain our customers can procure any spare part or components. We aim to continually improve the quality of our products and services while maintaining a high level of safety and environmental protection.
ING L. & A. BOSCHI has one of the largest manufacturing facilities and offers an entire range of products under one roof. We also offer a versatile support program with a wide range of after sales services. With our years of experience, we can assist you to operate your plant more effectively. Through our excellent supply chain our customers can procure any spare part or components. We aim to continually improve the quality of our products and services while maintaining a high level of safety and environmental protection.
We are acclaimed as the leaders the design, fabrication & manufacturing of oxygen plants, nitrogen plants and acetylene plants. We started manufacturing oxygen and nitrogen plants at our factory in New Delhi (India) in 1985 in technical collaboration with ING. L. & A. Boschi. In our journey spanning over three decades, we have been building on our designing and manufacturing expertise that we acquired from Dr. Boschi of Italy.
Our first oxygen and nitrogen plant was set up in 1985 at our factory in New Delhi. Inspired as we are with Dr. Boschi’s work, we have ensured that the same designing excellence incorporates into our manufacturing of oxygen and nitrogen plants. We are now known for manufacturing exceptionally designed latest technology plants and our efforts have been rewarded with the appreciation of our customers. Today, we are the preferred destination for customers from all over the globe. For maintaining high quality standards, we have been awarded ISO 9001:2008 certification and our plants are CE approved.
Brief facts of Universal Boschi
Our Company was established in 1985 and is now known for superb designing and manufacturing of oxygen & nitrogen production plant. We commenced manufacturing of nitrogen & oxygen production plant at our factory at New Delhi and air separation columns in Genova, Italy. The designs of our air seperation plants were based on the process cycle of Linde & Claude which had been started by Dr. Boschi of Italy with their company ING. L&A. Boschi of Italy in 1930 and perfected with over 70 years of experience.
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